
About this Website

Somewhat like Israel, I believe that the United States was chosen by God to be a light and an
example to all of the other nations in the world. Our founding fathers, mostly Christians, were
helped by God to write a Constitution which has helped preserve this nation for almost 250
years. Today the United States appears to be crumbling from within. I see two main reasons.
John Adams, the second president of the United States, prophetically told us the first reason
when he wrote in 1798, “Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is
wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” In recent decades we as a nation have
cast off God, the Bible and much of what has stood as true and right for thousands of years.

The second reason for our country’s demise is something which has been hidden to most
Americans. In 1914, after most members had left for Christmas break, our congress passed the
Federal Reserve Act. This legislation turned our whole money system over to a cartel of private
bankers. These men were even given the authority to print our money, and more recently to
create billions and trillions of dollars out of thin air. As you might expect, they have caused
most of this wealth to return to them, and they have used this money to control our nation.
Despite their name, this cartel of bankers is not part of the federal government. They are not
even all United States citizens. Their eventual goal is one-world government, which can never
happen as long as the United States is powerful and prosperous.

Thus, we see our nation’s leadership purposely making decisions which hurt and weaken this
country and its citizens. As we look incredulously at the insanity all around us and wonder how
it can be, this is the reason. People, many of whose names we do not even know, are calling the
shots behind the scenes and leading us down a path toward “a new world order.” If things go
according to their plans, we will lose all that we hold dear, and they will become leaders in the
new world order, also known as The Great Reset.

I share these things with you so you can live wisely and pray wisely. Jesus is coming back soon
to take His people to be with Him. (1Thessalonians 4:16). Will He turn things around in the
United States and protect this country until that time? Let us work and pray to that end, but
may we also discern what God is doing in our world, even if it is not what we desire. May we go
forward trusting in Jesus and may we never stop telling everyone around us the good news
(John 3:16).


Brian Drucker
Trusting in Jesus


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